The Ultimate Food Plot Tree
Plant Dunstan Chestnuts™ to grow the hardiest, most blight-resistant chestnut trees.
Shop Dunstan Chestnut

The American chestnut was once the most important food and timber tree in Eastern American hardwood forests. Nutrient-dense chestnuts served as the primary mast source for a wide range of wildlife – bears, turkeys, squirrels, hogs – and especially Whitetail deer.
In 1904, a fungal chestnut blight was accidentally imported from Asia. By 1950, the blight had decimated 30 million acres of chestnut forests, leaving a nutritional gap in the American hardwood ecosystem and dramatically altering the landscape.
The Dunstan Chestnut fills that gap. Bred by our great-grandfather, noted plant breeder Dr. Robert Dunstan, the Dunstan Chestnut has demonstrated 50 years of success throughout the United States. A result of cross-breeding American and Chinese varieties, the Dunstan produces the large, sweet nut of the American chestnut, and holds the blight-resistant qualities of the Chinese chestnut.